that night i had to take a final shot of this med...see the note i scribbled on the box... the nurse stressed the importance of injecting this med on time...
on D14 the doctor picked up the follicles... i had to fast the night before and was given sleeping med during the procedure... the total of eggs retrieved was 8... not too many since i only have one ovary... after the procedure felt cramping the whole day like before getting your period... i was informed that this and a little bleeding is very common...
i was instructed to take this hormone pill 3 times a day and wait for the call from the embryologist for the next stage...
2 days after the pick up the embryologist called me...asked me to come to the hospital on Friday for the transfer... she told me they will transfer 2 embryos... and she instructed me to start taking the ventolin pills... the pills will help to relax the muscle ...
well, TODAY is the EMBRYO TRANSFER DAY!!! my appointment is at 3 pm... so right now i'm just relaxing at home...
i'm so excited right now... DH and i pray that this will be it... hopefully everything will turn out well...