the author geniously wrote in a manner as though his talking directly to you personally... he present the facts with simple yet eye opening examples and of course supports by reciting the relevant Quran verses...
the book is thoughtfully presented, starting by discussing what we perceive as challenges in life, why we have to have faith in God, why we have to believe in fate and how to always be a happy and winning person looking beyond the challenges in life... mashaAllah, this book really speaks to the heart... the author also does not simply push facts to you, he discuss each matter thoroughly... by the end of the book you will feel so fulfilled and enlightened...
i love this book so much that i even bought a few as a gift to friends and family...
one example the author presented on how we are just weak human beings to understand the masterplan of Allah swt is this example on how a child when sitting and looking from below where his mother is stitching commented on what is his mother doing that looks from below/behind the stitching work so ugly. So the mothers then shows her stitching work from above and only does the child see how beautiful the stitching work actually is... the author compared this example to how we human beings look from our weak perspective how challenges in life are always a burden that we often question why do they even exist at all... but instead if we look from a different perspective we'll see that Allah's plan is the greatest of all... challenges in life makes us much much much better human beings... of course the author discuss this matter much better than what i'm trying to share here... the book is in Malay so it's a bit difficult for me to review the book in English...

The bottomline is the book is great and anyone needing some motivation in life should buy and read this book!
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